
Showing posts from April, 2019

Reflection on Term 1

I have noticed quite a shift in some areas for my class this term and some areas which I need to focus more energy on. The majority of the class are enthusiastic towards learning activities be it independent, in pairs or in groups. They enjoy getting the chance to voice their opinions on thing they can connect with, however, many of the students find it very difficult to make any connection to them, their world or even anything else they have read. Britton's famous quote "Reading floats on a sea of talk" initially inspired me to shift my focus during guided reading group sessions, but it is still highly likely that many of the students in my class won't find anything to connect to or with. They share their thoughts well, but they simply don't have any connection to what we are discussing. With this challenge in mind I am considering shifting the emphasis from merely comprehension and inference into critically discussing the texts and exploring how they make them

"What is the most effective way to build collaborative dispositions and capabilities with this year group?"

During the course of this term I have been noticing a few things about this class. They are very quick to adapt to a new teaching style, however, they are also finding working on collaborative situations difficult. This is due to the tendency to resort for them to make comments to each other which more often than not causes offence or embarrassment. At root level, these children have a very positive attitude towards learning which just needs some teaching directed towards encouraging the development of skills which promote positive collaboration. Some critical thinking skills will help them think outside their own bubble and work on fostering relationships with others rather than focus on self. From the beginning of the term they have embraced the different teaching style, however, they are yet to invest deeply in the various group activities they learn. The playground culture shows itself strongly within the classroom and students are often scared to take risks within Maths and Re